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Basic Active Directory Network

Ludus users are created with a basic Active Directory network as their configuration.

The configuration, if deployed without modification, looks like this (for UserID: JD with RangeID: 2):

Network Diagram

This network contains a Domain Controller (JD-DC01-2022) for the domain ludus.domain, and Windows 11 workstation (JD-WIN11-22H2-1 with Office 2019 64bit, Chrome, Firefox, Burpsuite, VSCode, 7zip, process hacker, ilspy and other useful utilities), and a Kali VM (JD-Kali) in a separate network. The Windows hosts can only reach the Kali VM on tcp/80, tcp/443, and tcp/8080. The Kali VM can reach the Windows VM on any protocol and any port.

When testing mode is enabled, both Windows hosts will be snapshotted and blocked from reaching the internet, while the Kali VM will not be snapshotted or blocked from reaching the internet.

The configuration for this range is below:

- vm_name: "{{ range_id }}-ad-dc-win2022-server-x64"
hostname: "{{ range_id }}-DC01-2022"
template: win2022-server-x64-template
vlan: 10
ip_last_octet: 11
ram_gb: 8
cpus: 4
sysprep: false
fqdn: ludus.domain
role: primary-dc
- vm_name: "{{ range_id }}-ad-win11-22h2-enterprise-x64-1"
hostname: "{{ range_id }}-WIN11-22H2-1"
template: win11-22h2-x64-enterprise-template
vlan: 10
ip_last_octet: 21
ram_gb: 8
cpus: 4
install_additional_tools: true
office_version: 2019
office_arch: 64bit
fqdn: ludus.domain
role: member
- vm_name: "{{ range_id }}-kali"
hostname: "{{ range_id }}-kali"
template: kali-x64-desktop-template
vlan: 99
ip_last_octet: 1
ram_gb: 8
cpus: 4
linux: true
snapshot: false
block_internet: false

inter_vlan_default: REJECT
- name: Only allow windows to kali on 443
vlan_src: 10
vlan_dst: 99
protocol: tcp
ports: 443
action: ACCEPT
- name: Only allow windows to kali on 80
vlan_src: 10
vlan_dst: 99
protocol: tcp
ports: 80
action: ACCEPT
- name: Only allow windows to kali on 8080
vlan_src: 10
vlan_dst: 99
protocol: tcp
ports: 8080
action: ACCEPT
- name: Allow kali to all windows
vlan_src: 99
vlan_dst: 10
protocol: all
ports: all
action: ACCEPT