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🧑‍💻 Ludus CLI

The Ludus CLI is the primary method of interacting with a Ludus server. It uses the Ludus REST API to perform actions for the user, and has helpful wrappers designed to aid troubleshooting issues.

The Ludus CLI uses the pattern ludus COMMAND ARG --FLAG. Each command has its own help that can be accessed with ludus [command] --help.


All global flags can also be set with environment variables in the format LUDUS_FLAG where FLAG is the flag long form string in all upper case.

local:~$ LUDUS_URL=
local:~$ ludus version --verbose
[DEBUG] 2024/02/09 15:38:31 ludus/cmd.initConfig:root.go:102 Using config file: /Users/user/.config/ludus/config.yml
[DEBUG] 2024/02/09 15:38:31 ludus/cmd.initConfig:root.go:106 --- Configuration from cli and read from file ---
[DEBUG] 2024/02/09 15:38:31 ludus/cmd.initConfig:root.go:108 url =
[DEBUG] 2024/02/09 15:38:31 ludus/cmd.initConfig:root.go:108 proxy =
[DEBUG] 2024/02/09 15:38:31 ludus/cmd.initConfig:root.go:108 verify = %!s(bool=false)
[DEBUG] 2024/02/09 15:38:31 ludus/cmd.initConfig:root.go:108 user =
[DEBUG] 2024/02/09 15:38:31 ludus/cmd.initConfig:root.go:108 verbose = %!s(bool=true)
[DEBUG] 2024/02/09 15:38:31 ludus/cmd.initConfig:root.go:108 json = %!s(bool=false)
[DEBUG] 2024/02/09 15:38:31 ludus/cmd.initConfig:root.go:123 ---

The ludus CLI looks for a configuration file at $HOME/.config/ludus/config.yml, and if found, uses its values during execution. The configuration file values are the lowest precedence, followed by ENV variables, and finally command line flags.

An example configuration file is shown below. You only need to set the values you wish to change. The API key cannot be set in the config file and must be set in the system keyring or environment variable LUDUS_API_KEY.

json: false
verify: false
user: JD


ludus [command]

Available Commands:
ansible Perform actions related to ansible roles and collections
apikey Store your Ludus API key in the system keyring
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
power Control the power state of range VMs
range Perform actions on your range
templates List, build, add, or get the status of templates
testing Control the testing state of the range
users Perform actions related to users
version Prints the version of this ludus binary

--config string config file (default is $HOME/.config/ludus/config.yml)
-h, --help help for ludus
--json format output as json
--proxy string HTTP(S) Proxy URL
--url string Server Host URL (default "")
--user string A user ID to impersonate (only available to admins)
--verbose verbose client output
--verify verify the HTTPS certificate of the Ludus server


The ansible command allows a Ludus user to add ansible roles and collections to the Ludus server for use in their range deployment. Additional roles can be added with the roles key and configured with the role_vars key (see Configuration).

Ansible Role

When adding an ansible role, you must specify a role name (to pull from, a URL, or a local path to a role directory (with -d). Specific versions can be specified with the --version flag.

ludus ansible role [command]

role, roles

Available Commands:
add Add an ansible role to the ludus host
list List available Ansible roles on the Ludus host
rm Remove an ansible role from the ludus host

Ansible Collection

Ansible collections can be added but not removed, as that is not supported by the ansible-galaxy command.

ludus ansible collection [command]

collection, collections

Available Commands:
add Add an ansible collection to the ludus host
list List available user Ansible collections on the Ludus host


This command stores the Ludus API key in the system keyring. This is implemented differently on different OS's but is more secure than writing unencrypted to a file.

If your machine does not have a keyring (headless Linux) you can set the api key in the LUDUS_API_KEY environment variable.

ludus apikey [flags]


Generate the autocompletion script for ludus for the specified shell. See each sub-command's help for details on how to use the generated script.

On macOS (assuming brew is installed) you will need to add the following to ~/.zshrc:

fpath=(/opt/homebrew/share/zsh/site-functions/ $fpath)
autoload -U compinit; compinit

and then run ludus completion zsh > $(brew --prefix)/share/zsh/site-functions/_ludus. Any new shells will have ludus completion loaded.

ludus completion [command]

Available Commands:
bash Generate the autocompletion script for bash
fish Generate the autocompletion script for fish
powershell Generate the autocompletion script for powershell
zsh Generate the autocompletion script for zsh


Control the power state of range VMs. This command allows a user to power on or off one, multiple (comma separated), or all VMs in their range.

ludus power [command]

Available Commands:
off Power off all range VMs
on Power on all range VMs


The range command contains many subcommands related to deploying a range as well as getting useful files for range access (i.e. RDP or /etc/hosts).

ludus range [command]

Available Commands:
abort Kill the ansible process deploying a range
access Grant or revoke access to a range
config Get or set a range configuration
deploy Deploy a range, running specific tags if specified
errors Parse the latest deploy logs from your range and print any non-ignored fatal errors
etc-hosts Get an /etc/hosts formatted file for all hosts in the range
gettags Get the ansible tags available for use with deploy
inventory Get the ansible inventory file for a range
list List details about your range (alias: status)
logs Get the latest deploy logs from your range
rdp Get a zip of RDP configuration files for all Windows hosts in a rage
rm Delete your range (all VMs will be destroyed)


List, build, add, or get the status of templates.

ludus templates [command]

templates, template

Available Commands:
abort Kill any running packer processes for the given user (default: calling user)
add Add a template directory to ludus
build Build templates
list List all templates
logs Get the latest packer logs
rm Remove a template for the given user (default: calling user)
status Get templates being built


Control the testing state of the range. The update command currently only works with Windows VMs.

ludus testing [command]

Available Commands:
allow allow a domain, IP, or file containing domains and IPs during testing
deny deny a previously allowed domain, IP, or file containing domains and IPs during testing
start Snapshot all testing VMs and block all outbound connections and DNS from testing VMs
status Get the current testing status as well as any allowed domains and IPs (alias: list)
stop Revert all testing VMs and enable all outbound connections and DNS from testing VMs
update Update a VM or group of VMs


Perform actions related to users. To use the add or rm commands, the admin API endpoint must be used. This endpoint listens on on the Ludus server. Use an SSH tunnel to access this endpoint to perform administrative actions.

ludus users [command]

users, user

Available Commands:
add Add a user to Ludus
apikey Get a new Ludus apikey for a user
creds Perform actions related to Proxmox credentials
list List information about a user (alias: status)
rm Remove a user from Ludus
wireguard Get the Ludus wireguard configuration for a user


Prints the version of this ludus binary and the server (if an API key is available). The version includes the SemVer version and the first 8 character of the git commit hash of the commit this binary was built from.

ludus version [--verbose]